Monday, September 9, 2019

Management, People and Organisations - Managing the United Kingdom Essay

Management, People and Organisations - Managing the United Kingdom National Health Service - Essay Example The management of NHS has been faced with challenges from the government, public and within its own organization. The government and public requires the organization to deliver more and build trust however provisional support not sufficient. The essay analyzes symptoms in order to recognize problems and provide alternatives solutions. It deliberates the organizational issues underlying these difficulties and suggests vicissitudes believed conducive to making a high performance organization. In addition, it explores NHS organizational administration methods, structure and culture morals from a conjectural background (MARTIN, 2005). It summarizes the prominence of managing these issues communally in an unstable atmosphere to accomplish goals. It discloses internal and external factors that encourage change in organizations. The problems faced by United Kingdom National Health Service are not unique to any organization offering service. Management requires designing and maintaining an atmosphere that individuals, working as teams, efficiently achieve selected goals. The key objective of management is to ensure things are done by the people, through generating a suitable setting in which they can attain organizational goals. The case study reveals that many clinicians have indulged in managerial duties besides their existing role, in an attempt to bring a difference. This engrossment in management can be time overwhelming and actually clashes with their professional roles. It is understandable that many of the indications which the case study proves can be directly linked to conflict of roles or better say conflict of interest. This proves lack of professionalism since each player in an organization should adhere to their duties and do them to their best. Organization should define each role of players and governing principles to ensure quality. It is evident that role issue is a major management problem for the NHS. In any specified role, there

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